Book your Exam preparation in a group course at Level B1 to C2 and pass your exam with flying colours! Highly efficient examination preparation; Get to know the ...
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Here you will find everything from intensive and evening courses to exam preparation and private lessons.
Our courses prepare participants to sit for the Goethe Institute's German language exams at levels B2 and C1 and are offered in parallel with the German ...
EXPERTISE IN GERMAN. We have 65 years' experience in teaching German as a foreign language, teacher training and developing curricula, examinations.
Nov 22, 2014 · The Goethe A1 exam course is usually for 2-3 months, depending on the class schedule and the type of course- Intensive, super intensive. The ...
The courses cover levels from A1 to C1, focusing on practical language skills. Exam preparation includes Goethe-Zertifikat, TELC Deutsch and TestDaF. The Exam ...
Oct 28, 2022 · I find it that the Goethe exam is biased to people who run canned dialogues. I have been personally learning myself for the last year and ...
Dec 15, 2018 · Yes, you can! You can prepare on your own, take classes elsewhere or study with the help of private tutor and register for exams at Goethe- ...
Dec 19, 2021 · Two years of informal self study can get you to B2 in German.
Feb 17, 2023 · The other language school provides separate exam preparation courses, which costs extra. Also, it seems course material is not included, and ...